Friday, March 30, 2012

Manage remote instances using SQL Server 2005 tools

I'm trying to manage remote instances using the following SQL Server 2005 tools:

SQL Server Configuration Manager (SSCM)

SQL Server Surface Area Configuration (SSSAC)

It seems that SSSAC is designed to manage remote instances since it has the "change computer" link. On the other hand, SSCM does not have such link or something similar. I read this MS article so it seems that this is a way to run SSCM to manage remote instance. I was having problem to show SQL Server 2005 Services by following that article. However, the problem is now gone (don't know why yet).

What are the reasons that the SSCM is not designed to manage remote instances but SSSAC is? If SSCM is really designed not to manage remote instances, what is the purpose of having the word (Local) next to the SQL Server Configuration Manager?

If I understand correctly, the only main difference between SSCM and SSSAC is that SSCM does not have the functionality to turn on and off features according to

So, if I don't need to turn on and off features, SSCM will be the only tool needed if it can manage remote instance.

With SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) open and Registered Servers visible, right-click a remote reristered server and click SQL Server Configuration Manager. You will see SQL Server Configuration Manager(remote server name).|||

Hi lkh,

Thanks for the information. I wonder why MS does not implement the change computer in SSCM. Is there a way to run SSSAC in SSMS?


it is a command prompt utility see it can be run in Query Editor in sqlcmd mode

See SQL Server 2005 Books Online topic:

sac Utility

you can add in in SSMS under Tools\External Tools. Its located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\SqlSAC.exe

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